Sustainable Tourism Development in Rural Areas: The Role of Stakeholders


  • Marjetka Rangus University of Maribor
  • Boštjan Brumen University of Maribor
  • Jasna Potočnik Topler University of Maribor


This article examines the role of local inhabitants in developing sustainable tourism in rural areas. Recently, when planning the sustainable local spatial, economic and social development, experts have been faced with the problem of integrating stakeholders. In the concept of sustainable regional development, the basic democratic premise that everyone should decide on matters that affect them has gained an equal position to that of environmental and social awareness. In compliance with this principle, the development of local communities which are also responsible for tourism development in a certain area should include the widest possible group of representatives of the local population. Lively tourist activities not only affect the economy, but also have impacts on the spatial development of the town, its social structure, social life, and psychological imprint. The analysis of the structured interviews conducted with more than 20 individuals who are employed in the fields of tourism in the wider area of Brežice has shown how the wider local community is responding to the tourist activities in the Municipality of Brežice and its surroundings.


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How to Cite

Rangus, M., Brumen, B., & Potočnik Topler, J. (2018). Sustainable Tourism Development in Rural Areas: The Role of Stakeholders. Academica Turistica - Tourism and Innovation Journal, 10(2). Retrieved from



Research Notes