The Moderator Effect of the Perception of Value Co-Creation on the Relationship between Hotel Brand Equity and WOM
In the current conjuncture, when the competitive environment is getting ever fiercer, the importance of creating brand value and the effect of wom in all processes before/after a purchase have been grasped. Along with this, in the service sector, where the customer-employee relationship is dense, applications regarding the perception of value creation have started to be used in an increasing manner. For this reason, the aim of the study is to determine the effect of the brand equity of foreign tourists on wom and whether there is a moderator effect of the Perception of Value Co-Creation on this effect. The population of the study is comprised of foreign tourists coming to Marmaris, Turkey. On the 358 surveys gathered from foreign tourists, efa, cfa, second-order cfa analyses, path analyses and Slope tests have been carried out. Consequently, it has been determined that hotel brand equity has effects on the perception of value co-creation and wom, and that perception of value co-creation has effects on wom. Also, in the relationship between foreign tourists’ hotel brand equity and wom, it has been determined that there is a moderator effect on the perception of value co-creation.
Keywords: hotel brand equity, wom, perception of value co-creation, Marmaris
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