Tourism on the Croatian Adriatic Coast and World War I


  • Jasenka Kranjcevic Institute for tourism, Zagreb, Vrhovec 5


Research on tourism history has been mainly confined to considering tourism area life cycles (talc). Although destinations with a tourism tradition spanning over a century have undergone various life cycles, their tourismhistory has rarely been considered in the context of global changes, such as World War I, and how and to what extent these global changes have affected the development of tourism in the tourist area and tourism architecture. Since no direct hostilities took place in the area of present-day Croatia during wwi, the present paper investigates the indirect impact of thewar as a global event on the rise of tourismat the time through unbuilt tourism architecture,whichmay be seen as halting investments in tourism.This researchmay be used to consider the creation of a model for global tourism life cycle by stages, including also paradigmatic changes in the design of tourism architecture.

Keywords: World War I, global tourism cycle, tourism area life cycle, unbuilt tourism architecture, Croatia


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How to Cite

Kranjcevic, J. (2019). Tourism on the Croatian Adriatic Coast and World War I. Academica Turistica - Tourism and Innovation Journal, 12(1). Retrieved from


