The Differences in Perceptions of Organisational Values in the Hospitality Sector: What Do They Tell Us?



Organisational values have been in the focus of management for several years. Knowing that strong values can help organisations stay on the right course in the fast-changing working environment has proven to be a solid basis for their prosperity. However, organisations are nothing without their employees; this led as to the question of what the differences in the perception of organisational values between employees of different ages and genders are.We have conducted research in the hospitality sector; based on a paper-pencil survey among a representative sample of 388 employees,we have determined that there are six predominant organisational values within the sector. In the second part, we have identified that two out of six identified organisational values are statistically significantly more highly evaluated in terms of importance by women in comparison to men. There were no statistically significant differences found regarding the age of employees.

Keywords: values, organisational values, hospitality, demographics, perception

Author Biography

Mitja Gorenak, University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism

Vice dean for international relations


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How to Cite

Gorenak, M. (2019). The Differences in Perceptions of Organisational Values in the Hospitality Sector: What Do They Tell Us?. Academica Turistica - Tourism and Innovation Journal, 12(1). Retrieved from


