The Importance of Stakeholder Involvement in Strategic Development of Destination Management: The Case of the Mirna Valley Destination


  • Maja Žibert Faculty of Tourism University of Maribor
  • Marko Koščak
  • Boris Prevolšek


The aim of this paper is to explain further the importance of stakeholder involve-
ment in strategic development of destination management with the purpose of getting a deeper understanding of what different stakeholders perceive as more or less important when it comes to destination management. Key concepts of strategic and destination management are explained in the theoretical part. Based on this, we have posed ourselves the main research question: What are the desires of different stakeholders in the development of the destination in the light of strategic management? Explanations and viewpoints of other authors were summarized, and attempts were made to derive new viewpoints based on our research questions. Results confirm the findings that the life of the local population should be included and engaged actively in the development, when developing the destination and identifying the potentials. Each group of stakeholders plays a special role in the development of the destination. This paper offers an overview of the analysis challenges and trends in the develop ment of a small tourist destination. The most reasonable and appropriate for small destinations is to undertake the management of ‘bottom-up’ and to consider a common brand, which will provide recognition of the place and its key tourism products.

Keywords: strategic management, destination management, stakeholders,
development of destination


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How to Cite

Žibert, M., Koščak, M., & Prevolšek, B. (2017). The Importance of Stakeholder Involvement in Strategic Development of Destination Management: The Case of the Mirna Valley Destination. Academica Turistica - Tourism and Innovation Journal, 10(1). Retrieved from


